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Appropriate keeping of big hoop earrings

Appropriate keeping of big hoop earrings

The aspect of keeping big hoop earrings has not been given enough attention. There is some level of negligence which is being practiced by human beings. They should note that the amount of care they take when keeping these earrings means a lot to the lifespan of a given set of earring. There are some rules that should be adhered to so that the right thing is done at the right time. These rules include the following:

Keep the earrings in a dry place

It should not be assumed that the big hoop earrings are made from a metal and therefore they will be safe in any place they are kept. What an individual should do is to keep the earrings in a dry place so that they do not come in contact with water or moisture. When this type of jewelry comes in contact with water there are high chances that they will start rusting.

When they rust they become dull in appearance and weak. This means that they will not only be ugly but also break after a very short time. Enough care should therefore be implemented so that they are protected from damage by water particles. This place should also be clean so that the earrings do not come in contact with dirt.

Do not put on the earrings when working with water

There are some times when an individual might e required to attend to household chores. It will be vital for them to take off these big hoop earrings so that they are protected from coming in contact with water. This also implies that one should avoid putting on the earrings when they go for swimming or when they are visiting the frog’s kingdom.

It will also be important for one to avoid putting on the earrings the time they are applying make-ups. There are some make-ups which can damage the earrings when they come in contact with them.

Avoid keeping it in direct sunlight

There are some people who forget and leave the earrings in direct sunlight. When they are exposed to intense sunlight they will easily be damaged because of the strength of the sun rays.

If these tenets are observed to the later then there are high chances that an individual will enjoy using a given set of earrings for a very long time.

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