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Best Clever Garage Organization Ideas

Best Clever Garage Organization Ideas

The main purpose of a used garage is to protect your car. When your garage has been overrun with gear, outdoor gear, and whatever in between. The time is right for you to contain the chaos and turn your garage into a manageable space. Below are ideas on how best to keep your garage in tip-top storage shape.

Sort it out

Much of the clutter that takes up valuable space in your garage is older things that have broken or dead, such as household chemicals. Start with a clean slate by moving everything out of your garage and into the driveway – all in piles: what to donate, what to throw, something to recycle and important.


If you are going to use cardboard boxes, label them so you know exactly where everything is.

Name an area

Plan your garage space like any room in your home. Separate the right zones of the garage and place similar items in each area. For example, exercise equipment, lawn care and gardening equipment, and seasonal items need to be grouped in your room.

Shelf it

You can take advantage of the existing vertical space by installing cabinets. Shelves come in many varieties – from floating shelves to mobile cable shelf components that you can quickly move into areas of the garage. Adjustable shelves make it easy to make room for items as storage needs change. Pegboards or wallboards are another ideal way to hang your tools. Shelves won’t make your space look tidier. You will keep your valuables safe even when the floor is damp.

To find large parts out of the way and off the ground, such as ladders, shovels, and rakes, use heavy hooks. Wall-mounted motorcycle racks keep all of your bikes safe and out of the way.

Look up

Use as much ceiling space as possible. The ceiling-mounted storage gives you plenty of extra space to store items that you don’t use, such as your own. B. Christmas decorations, luggage, cool boxes and other products.

Cover it up

Instead, if you don’t want to look at items on shelves, consider installing built-in or floor-standing cabinets that allow you to remove things from behind doors. Another inexpensive alternative is to hang up curtain rods and curtain panels to cover storage bins and equipment in no time.

Other practical recommendations

Convert a mesh laundry bag into breakaway soccer balls, basketballs, and other sports equipment. Children’s toys must be kept within easy reach. The easier it would be to put something away, the more likely it is to get it done.

Establish a safe space for hazardous materials like pesticides, fertilizers and paint so that children cannot access them.

Put your recycling bins next to the door that leads into your home for easy throwing away of items.

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