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Make your Day Special with Custom Wedding Rings

Make your Day Special with Custom Wedding Rings

Wedding ring is the only piece of jewellery which you will shop together and wear everyday of your life. It is best to make a few decisions before going to buy the ring. First you will have to decide whether you want a simple band without any gemstones. The next decision you should make is whether you want to be unique with a white gold band or a yellow gold band. The final decision is whether you want the two to be identical. Custom Wedding rings are unique for each one

Finely Crafted Custom Wedding Rings

A wedding ring remains on the finger permanently so a simple design without gemstones will last a long time. If there are gemstones they might fall out and need to be replaced. Whatever be the style make it unique and your very own.

Sometime people like diamonds or rubies or other stones embedded in the gold band so if you are one who wants to have diamonds or gemstones in your wedding band then you can choose the stone you like to have and the jeweller will prepare one of your choices.

The Perfect Wedding Ring

The metal you choose for the wedding ring is important for its longevity and style. The popular choice for wedding rings is yellow gold metal which is practical and convenient to wear.22 carat gold is mostly used for wedding bands. Considering that wedding ring is worn for many years even 18 carat gold which is 75% pure or 9 carat gold which is 37.5% pure can also be used for wedding band. They are strong and can be easily crafted into any setting.

White gold used for making wedding bands is alloyed with yellow gold and other metals such as nickel and zinc to provide it with the silvery white colour.

The Different Metals used for Custom Wedding Rings

Custom wedding rings are made from yellow gold, platinum, palladium and sterling silver.  Custom wedding rings are often made from Rose gold which contains copper which gives it a rich yellow look. Sometimes two or more gold tones are used in the making of a wedding band.

If you are deciding to get married custom wedding rings can make the day special for you

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