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Entrance Gates Design Ideas

Entrance Gates Design Ideas

Entrance gates allow a variety of security settings, from a crowd controller to a sophisticated access management program. Gates are simple and small enough to be installed in most facilities, providing a high level of security. In terms of construction, gates can function as an all-steel variant or be made from a combination of steel and glass.

Revolving gates are simple and user-friendly pass-through locks. They allow different types of passers-by, from pedestrians to people carrying or lugging luggage to people in wheelchairs. Up-and-over doors have a stainless steel or glass barrier. This barrier can grow up to 90 degrees to 180 degrees, thus enabling bi-directional movement.

Swing gates are used individually for smaller things in the entrance. However, only two can be used together (facing each other) to allow access up to 1.8 meters wide. Swing gates can be motorized. The barrier reacts automatically to the operator’s signal, then opens or closes immediately according to the command.

Many swing gates can also be integrated via a complete access management program. Or act as an output signal (ie acting) part in a connected detector. They can also be programmed to either start or close automatically after a predetermined time.

Entrance gates

The entrance gate should be designed as a steel or iron and glass barrier that has a good barrier height that prevents attempted break-ins. In contrast to bicycle gates, these gates allow ambulant passers-by with very little luggage. They are typically used in reception areas, museums, parks, and entertainment venues.

All of these are exceptionally accessible gates that allow wide lane for all types of passers-by. They are intended for disabled users and allow carts, strollers and other devices to pass through. Since they are easy to install and are usually de-energized, they are also used to contain pedestrian flows, for example to mark entry and exit areas. In contrast to swing gates, they are usually not motorized. However, they can also be installed individually or in pairs, for example on swing gates, which enables an opening of up to 1.8 meters.

These gate shapes make a rotation with an axis. Rotating portals allow all types of passers-by, consisting of mobile devices. They are suitable in areas with increased public traffic, such as in supermarkets. The speeds of rotation can be manually operated or attached to a detector, usually a photocell.

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