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How to get the right ladies ring for her

How to get the right ladies ring for her

When it comes to getting gifts for women, you can hardly ever go wrong with getting her a ring or any other jewelry. The sizes of ring and how they are measured could be different depending on your location. For instance, the size of rings in the United Kingdom will typically be from A to Z as opposed to 1 to 13 in the United States. For the remaining part of Europe, they use specific measurement which ranges from 12.065 mm to 22.225 mm. Here are some tips that could aid your search of the right ring for her.

Secretly borrow her ring

If you want to get the right ring size for the lady and you do not want her to know what you are up to, you could secretly borrow her ring. When you take the ring to the store, they will be able to measure it and help you get what the exact size is. You might be lucky to get the type of ring you want to buy at the right size from that store. Otherwise, at least you will know the exact measure based on how the rings are measured in your location. You might also be lucky to have similar finger sizes. You can confirm this by playfully removing her ring from her finger and putting it on yours, if it fits, then you can easily use your own finger as a measurement. There are also some ring types where the size of the ring is written inside the ring. You can check and get the size of the ring from there.


You should know the taste of the lady you want to get the ring for, in terms of jewelries. You can easily know this from the type of jewelry she usually wears. Notice her when she is going to a very important occasion and see if she is wearing gold or silver, as well as the type of stone.


The way you present a gift is just as important as the gift for most women. Make sure it is properly packaged and wrapped. You should also give her as a surprise and probably on a special occasion.

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