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Make your Wedding Ring Special by Going for Modern Engagement Rings

Make your Wedding Ring Special by Going for Modern Engagement Rings

The engagement ring is worn to show that a person is engaged to be married to someone. This is particularly common practice in Europe and many regions of the world. The ring is often made of diamond or some type of gemstones which can be the faux form of it or the plated type. Most often, the proposal comes like a ring gift to the partner which in most cases is the lady.

Modern engagement rings and those in recent past are worn by the woman on the left finger ring in America and many other places around the world. Other cultures may influence where the ring is worn depending on the practice. In some cultures, the engagement ring can double as the wedding ring after the wedding rites are finalized.

Styles of engagement rings

There are various styles both in metal design and design pattern. Metals such as gold in its variants of yellow gold and white gold are common use including platinum. Other metals such as titanium, silver, and diamonds are also used in the various styles of engagement ring design. Common design styles such as signet and solitaire are familiar names in the engagement rings design.

Engagement rings for men

It is not uncommon these days to find men wearing engagement rings. This is particularly now when the number of women proposing to men is now on the rise. Manufacturers have reacted likewise to catch-in on this market by making men’s engagement rings which serve as the ring worn by men as a proposal symbol from women. The design of men’s engagement ring is not in any way different than the women’s ring. It is all the same plain designs.

Modern engagement ring

The modern engagement rings come with a touch to highlight some peculiar features around the bezel. The bezel settings set the modern engagement ring apart from the conventional designs of the engagement ring. The setting styles vary from the regular solitaire to the accented designs but are lot more distinct in the front area. The center diamond finish is mostly common with the modern engagement ring.

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