Home / Ring / Get a Mood Ring to add functionality and style to your dress style
Get a Mood Ring to add functionality and style to your dress style

Get a Mood Ring to add functionality and style to your dress style

The design of rings was taken to a new level in 1975 by two creative inventors, Josh Raynolds and Maris Ambats. These two designed a ring that would respond to your finger temperature through color changes. They set into quartz stones liquid crystals. This design was called the mood ring. That is, it works on your mood at the time. Yes, it takes your mood at the particular time and reports the same to you in its crystal liquid component’s change of color.

The mood rings are a round finger band as usual but contains a thermo-chromic substance in in the bezel which changes color according to changes in the finger temperature of the wearer.

The general ring parts

There are four basic parts of the ring worn by people. These are the hoop, the shoulder, the bezel and the stone or gem settings. The bezel is the wide surface that is conspicuously seen in the front area of the finger when worn. This is an important part of a ring as it defines most of the other parts in value and quality.

The components of the mood ring

The mood rings are designed just like every other ring and has the same parts as mentioned above. The addition to the components is the crystal substance stored in the bezel which gives the additional functionality to the mood ring.

A combination of functionality and style

The design of the mood rings no doubt brings out the ingenuity of the manufacturers. It functions and reacts to the prevailing body temperature conditions. Different temperatures make the crystal to reflect varying wavelengths which influence the color changes. At the normal body temperature which is at about 37 degrees centigrade, it is neutral. It is an ornament made with faux gemstone which has the inside filled with the crystal substance. The ring can be described as a handy thermometer and that makes it special in its design.

With this ring, you may have a check on your health condition constantly and put things under control.

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