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Modern Garden Design with Stones and
Flower Ideas

Modern Garden Design with Stones and Flower Ideas

Where to go in this garden:

A perfect place for a rock garden is already a terraced area with stone formations or of course on a slope.

But not every apartment has been gifted with it by nature, which usually means you want to create a place from scratch using stones and topsoil. This can be achieved anywhere you choose to have a fence or wall, across the back or your house from a garage – this is the place I would have under my rock gardens – using one seems excellent.

What size can it be:

This type is of course up to you, depending on how much distance you have to process well and how long you have.

You may have seen pictures in magazines of ornate rock gardens or streams running through them and stone avenues like walking paths.

But small landscaped gardens look for multiple uses in the long term and may practice goodwill better.

This is especially true if you’re just creating one from scratch. Then you need to look at the amount of time it takes to create it and also the price variable since you will need plants, stones and soil.

I had rock gardens in two domiciles and started small. Started low at first because I had never done one before. It didn’t start for a rock garden. It started behind the door. However, a couple of Hens & Chicks on discovering a nursery in the area postponed everything. Which plants leads to the following section.

Which plants you can use

Such a garden is a little different – plants with brightly colored flowers. It would help here if you had small plants. There are low-growing perennials. And don’t get into it too much either, maybe not or maybe the plants have flowered, exactly what you are looking for is something suitable and improving.

Don’t limit the options to just plants, even small evergreen dwarf shrubs can be used appropriately and can add yet another feel. The distance allows us to incorporate the trunk part of the garden, which serves as a background to place the rock garden on the surface of lighter and larger shrubs.

Cases of Shrubs & Plants:


  • Creeping myrtle – purple leaves, blue spring flowers
  • Hens & chicks – feel and color
  • Phlox – creeps in blue, red, pink and snow


Maintaining a rock garden:

As with almost every garden, maintenance is necessary. Cut plants, some other plants die, remove dead stems and split. If necessary, water and nourish as well as with gardens. Laying down a layer of compost will help encircle the roots of the plant to retain moisture; if you live in an area where the winters are harsh, this is an advantage.

Set decorative accents or not – here’s a fantastic question:

Gardeners and articles let you know that accenting is not strictly necessary as the trail of stones and flowers could be your element. However, I disagree if you personally ask me how just a little something like a bird bath, figure, or maybe even a greyhound hanging shepard hook add to the attractiveness of this garden.

But similar to interior decoration, a garden also reflects, and when it comes to vegetables, flowers or stones, every gardener has to pull out the page if they like the way something looks to use it and move on right away.

Try rock gardening. Have fun gardening !!!

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