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Onyx earrings tips and care

Onyx earrings tips and care

Onyx is one of the materials that is used to earrings. Those earrings that are made from this material are commonly referred to as onyx earrings. Onyx is a mineral which mined and treated in different forms to give it different appearances.

Treatments used

There are two main types of treatments that are used on onyx before it is used to make an onyx earring. The first is heating which involves exposing it to intense heat. Apart from heating it can also be treated by chemicals to give it a desirable appearance. The type of chemical used in this case determines the color and appearance an individual will attain at the end of the day.

It is therefore easy for people to identify onyx earrings which have been made from natural onyx.

How to keep the earrings

It is important to be aware that onyx can easily get scratched. This fact calls for carefulness when keeping the earrings. An individual should make sure that the earrings are kept in a safe place where they will not experience some friction.

The main cause of scratches on such a form of jewelry is when they are kept with other types of jewelry. When a person comes to search for one item in this basket or container they keep on turning the items in the container thus making them to be scratched off. It is important to protect them from scratches because they make the earrings to lose their beauty and wear off.

How to wash the earrings

There are some people who keep on using the earrings without washing them. When any type of jewelry is washed, it plays an important role in making sure that it is clean all the time.

There is need for a person to be careful when washing them so that they do not end up damaging the jewelry. It is important to select the right type of detergent to use when washing the earrings. There are some detergents which have chemicals which cause damage to the earrings. Such detergents should be avoided.

When rinsing the earrings lukewarm water should be used. There is need for a person to avoid using hot water.

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