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This Wedding Season, Go For Titanium Wedding Rings

This Wedding Season, Go For Titanium Wedding Rings

How Are Titanium Wedding Rings Made?

Titanium wedding rings are jewellery pieces that are mainly made with titanium. The real constituents of titanium differ from purely commercial to those used in aircrafts. The purely commercial form has 99.85 titanium whereas, the aircraft one is a mixture of 95% titanium, 8% aluminium and 4% vanadium.

Properties Of Titanium Wedding Rings

Titanium wedding rings have many distinctive features. The first and foremost is, these necklaces are not toxic and poisonous. They are allergy-resistant. Next, these are pretty much lightweight. You would not feel that something is tied to your finger. Thirdly, these wedding rings are corrosion-resistant. It is water-resistant as well including chlorine water, sea water and even acids to some extent. Hence, titanium wedding rings are apt and suitable for people who swim often or regularly in water that is impregnated with chlorine.Unlike brass, bronze and silver, titanium does not get tarnished and is not subject to degradation.That also means that they have long-lasting properties and have a strong durability. Titanium among all the metals, is the most suitable to wear because of its unique and distinctive properties.

Styles Of Titanium Wedding Rings

Titanium wedding rings have been made in a variety of distinguished designs and styles over the yearsas an item of jewellery. Some of the designs and styles are as follows:

·        Classic rings generally come in a circle or oval shape with a lustrous touch. Mainly common and normal machines are used for its manufacture, and not any exterior equipments and techniques.

  • Titanium rings that are made up of mokumgane gives the ring a kind of woodgrain look. This is perceived as a Japanese casting method. In order to make this, the smith was to have extraordinary skills; although, by using many modern techniques today, such as managed atmospheres and temperature managed furnaces, this process has become relatively easier.
  • The third style of titanium wedding rings are frost titanium rings. These have a frozen look; especially, the water droplets that form after taking it out from a freezer.
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