Home / Jewelry / Wire Wrapped Jewelry designs can be a Great Collection for your Jewelry
Wire Wrapped Jewelry designs can be a Great Collection for your Jewelry

Wire Wrapped Jewelry designs can be a Great Collection for your Jewelry

Jewelry manufacture has taken different turns over the years with various innovations and techniques applied.

Wire wrapped jewelry types are great designs of jewelry in different aspects. They can be utilized for necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. The outstanding fact is that wires are used and that gives the reason for the name wire wrapped. That is, an object gets wrapped in wires!

The materials required to make a wire wrapped jewelry

If you plan working on a handcrafted design which is good and unique in its pattern. There are just a few materials that are required for the design of wire wrapped jewelries. Basically, the wire is prominent and this can be a material of copper and other metals which can be twisted to form the design pattern required. The object to be wrapped are other materials that would make your design coming out beautifully and unique. These can be crystals, pendants made out of a precious gemstone and or natural shells. For either a necklace, earring and other jewelry designs, the wrapped jewelry are special in artistic crafting and outlook.

Wire wrapped earrings are simple and beautiful

Earrings that are designed with a wire wrap technique and pattern are often the long length kind of earrings you would find on the market. These are mostly the dangling built designs of earrings. This can have different styles of coils and twists.

Wire wrapped necklaces and bracelets

Necklaces and bracelets can be wire wrapped to make a unique design of ornament. Usually, this process is carried out on the pendant end of the necklace. You can wrap anything or buy any jewelry with anything wrapped in it. You can have a glass, a key, beads, stones, and gems in the wrap. The wrapping can be done in various coats of precious metals of gold, silver, brass and any other desired metal design. In the wire wrapped jewelry, creativity is the beauty of the game. Manufactures especially handcrafted ones have freedom in designs that can be of uncommon pattern to bring out a creative style that would just be cool.

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