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Designs of Jewelry in Girls Jewelry Patterns

Designs of Jewelry in Girls Jewelry Patterns

Jewelry is ornaments that have no age or gender boundaries. Everyone has a share in the use and choice of a jewelry type. Girls and young adults make use of jewelry that is designed to suit their style, likewise are the young men. For most of girls jewelry, simplicity is preferred to sophistication. Let’s explore here some jewelry format that girls would most likely be comfortable with.

Use of pendants by girls

Pendants are most often symbolic. They carry symbols that pass messages to people. Girls love to pass the message of peace, love and generally about life. Pendants worn by girls are the most used platform in their jewelry wears. Pendants attached to simply designed necklaces are some of the widely used modes by girls in their jewelry design.

A brooch is beautiful and simple on girls

Just pin it on. This is what a brooch is to girls just as any young adult would want something simple and yet worth the wear. Brooch jewelry is simple jewelry that can be attached to various parts of clothing such as the breast or chest area. You can also have some for the belt attachment. The brooch jewelry is logo kind of jewelry that can have shapes of different messages and may have popular brands inscribed.

Wristbands look good on girls

Wristbands especially the synthetic material are often designs girls would love to have for girls jewelry. Wristbands with amounts of gemstones attached can be a beautiful design for many girls to show their style. The bands can be embossed with different messages, logos, and gemstone decoration. Colorful wristbands are adorable for girls jewelry and ornamentation.

It should be mentioned that girl’s jewelry and young adults, they love it smart and fitting. Many pieces of jewelry worn are not the dangling type be it in the earring, the necklace or the hand bands. Well, cultures and religious influences may affect jewelry pattern from different regions. For instance, in places in East Africa, the long and dangling jewelry are the predominantly used style of jewelry by the tribes.

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