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How to select the best women hiking boots for you

How to select the best women hiking boots for you

If hiking is your passion, then it is expected that you should know the right footwear that will aid you. A simple research will make you see why women hiking boots is your best bet for you as well as the adventures you intend to engage in. When you are not putting on a shoe pair that is suitable or not prepared for going on a hike, the consequences could be disastrous. Wearing to wrong shoe will lead to sores such as blisters, which will be discomforting. This is considering the fact that this problem could be simply prevented by wearing women hiking boots pair that is comfortable. It is worthy of note that the fact that the boot is comfortable for you while hiking, does not mean it will be perfect for every walking conditions or terrain.

You might have made up your mind to get a women hiking boot but you are wondering how to go about it, especially in line with getting the best one for you. As an experienced hiker, I will try to guide you into getting that right hiking boot for women that will suit you the best.


It is very important that you get a boot that you is very light weight. Generally, they are light and flexible, thereby helping you to achieve a faster pace while you are hiking. This type of shoe might however not be advisable for walking that is faster paced or when you are preparing for a race. This is because you will not get much support from them when you enter into a terrain that is more difficult. This is coupled with the fact that it could also wear and tear when they are used for a long time. For difficult terrains and longer routes, you could opt for heavier working shoes.


You should go for women hiking boots that has a soft sole and a thick heel. It will be highly flexible.


It is important to make sure that the shoe is your exact size while purchasing. It should be comfortable on your legs, without being too big or too tight.

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