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The aesthetics of rhinestone necklace

The aesthetics of rhinestone necklace


At the thought of rhinestone what usually comes to mind is a paste of diamond that are originally made from crystals of rock. In other words, they are imitation of diamond that is used in the production of cheap jewelry, necklace and earrings amongst others. One of the most popular products made from rhinestones is the necklace.

Rhinestone necklace

Rhinestone necklace is a piece of object worn around the neck that is usually adorned by both men and women. However, it is also worn by both young and old people. Furthermore, they are also worn to display wealth by the rich. Again in most cases, they are used to show love and happiness especially when they are used as gift items.  However, from time immemorial necklace has been part of human civilization and are still worn by people up to today. Where ever you go you see people wearing rhinestone necklace – children, the young and also the elderly. This is because they are fond of them.  Furthermore, people have since been adorning themselves with rhinestone necklace of different colors, sizes, shapes and designs depending on their personal preferences. It is a general believe that the need for rhinestone necklace ranks in some places among social and other needs. However, people from the different countries and regions of the world have used rhinestone necklace to display their wealth and social status and their desire for recognition. Necklace serves as agent of personality in that people identifies with it. However, this personality has been taken as parts of self-actualization. This has however made it as reinforcement for ego and self-esteem amongst others.

Why to choose Rhinestone necklace

There are so many reasons people wear necklace and these reasons have different meanings attached to them. To some it is on the basis of their love for their designs and colors and also the materials used in making them. It is paramount to note that if one is looking for a rhinestone necklace, he or she should look out for the ones that have good meaning and not just for decorative purposes. One of the major reasons people wear necklace is for fashion statements. This is because some fashions are made up of outfits with complete items including necklace. Again, people also wear necklace for cultural ceremonies and celebration.

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