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Why Do You Need Gold Watch?

Why Do You Need Gold Watch?

It is not a secret that people wear watch. Designers of different brands give us a lot of models. The choice is so huge that sometimes it is difficult to find the only. Talking about watch made of gold, we cannot hide that it is very smart choice. But how to choose exactly what you need?

5 Necessary Advices To Choose Gold Watch

  1. When you want to buy a watch, first go to the watch site or shop where you can see what they offer you.
  2. You cannot listen to your “best friend” about what kind of watch to buy as it is not him/her who is going to wear them.
  3. You choose the watch only for yourself, not for public, so find something which you like even if it is out of fashion.
  4. What brand to choose? Nice question. Depends on your wealth, of course. But when we are talking about watch, this accessory you are going to wear everyday, so find the one which is suitable. Sometimes choosing by brand is not an option.
  5. Watch made of gold will always be fashionable, even if the design is not “this-year-top”.

Big Gold watch VS Little

Size matters. Large watch is a fashion. Some of them look amazing. Keep in mind the size of your wrist. Huge watch on a small wrist looks ridiculous. If you do decide to buy a large watch, make sure that the cuffs of your shirt will fit their dimension. You do not want to change the entire wardrobe for a new watch!


Pay attention to the colour. Any stainless-steel watch, white gold and platinum bracelet fits to everything. Black strap – is casual but does not fit to all kinds of outfit. 18-carat gold watch with a black strap is elegant, with brown strap is delicate. Gold watch with gold bracelet looks stylish and expensive. Watch with brown, yellow-brown, blue, yellow, green and sometimes grey strap is more casual. White dials is twee and legible, and the black is “cooler” and man-like.

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